Minbok Wi

About Me

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Hi! I am a Ph.D. candidate at Seoul National University (SNU), advised by Professor Jung Ho Ahn. Before I joined the SCALE laboratory for my Ph.D., I completed my BSE in Electrical and Computer Engineering at SNU.

My research focus is on computer architecture, memory system/management, and system reliability and security. Recently, I have been focusing on memory system security, particularly related to the DRAM devices (e.g., read disturbance errors such as rowhammer/rowpress and covert-/side-channels) and reverse-engineering the operations of commercial processors’ memory controllers. Also, I’m interested in enhancing system reliability against silient data corruptions (SDCs).

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[ISCA2024] Hwayong Nam, Seungmin Baek, Minbok Wi, Michael Jaemin Kim, Jaehyun Park, Chihun Song, Nam Sung Kim, Jung Ho Ahn, "DRAMScope: Uncovering DRAM Microarchitecture and Characteristics by Issuing Memory Commands," ISCA,2024

[ASPLOS2024] Chihun Song, Michael Jaemin Kim, Tianchen Wang, Houxiang Ji, Jinghan Huang, Ipoom Jeong, Jaehyun Park, Hwayong Nam, Minbok Wi, Jung Ho Ahn, Nam Sung Kim, "TAROT: A CXL SmartNIC-Based Defense Against Multi-bit Errors by Row-Hammer Attacks," ASPLOS, 2024

[CAL2023] Hwayong Nam, Seungmin Baek, Minbok Wi, Michael Jaemin Kim, Jaehyun Park, Chihun Song, Nam Sung Kim, Jung Ho Ahn, "X-ray: Discovering DRAM Internal Structure and Error Characteristics by Issuing Memory Commands," IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (Volume: 22, Issue: 2, July-Dec. 2023): 89-92

[MICRO2023] Michael Jaemin Kim, Minbok Wi, Jaehyun Park, Seoyoung Ko, Jaewan Choi, Hwayong Nam, Nam Sung Kim, Jung Ho Ahn, Eojin Lee, "How to Kill the Second Bird with One ECC: The Pursuit of Row Hammer Resilient DRAM," MICRO, 2023

[HPCA2023] Minbok Wi*, Jaehyun Park*, Seoyoung Ko, Michael Jaemin Kim, Nam Sung Kim, Eojin Lee, Jung Ho Ahn, "SHADOW: Preventing Row Hammer in DRAM using Intra-Subarray Row-Shuffling," HPCA, 2023 (*equally contributed)

[TC2020] Byeongho Kim, Jongwook Chung, Eojin Lee, Wonkyung Jung, Sunjung Lee, Jaewan Choi, Jaehyun Park, Minbok Wi, Sukhan Lee, Jung Ho Ahn, "MViD: Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication in Mobile DRAM for Accelerating Recurrent Neural Networks," IEEE Transactions on Computers (Volume: 69, Issue: 7, 01 July 2020): 955-967